The Design by Fire Conference provides a stage for inspiring professionals to share their passion for interaction design with peers — mutually refreshing both knowledge and competence to cope with the challenges of modern IxD's professional practice.
The germ of the conference lies in Andrei Herasimchuk's publications on design. In 2004 he dared to present a redesign of Jakob Nielsen's website. Since then he keeps on challenging the HCI community to take interaction design seriously. The conference is named after his weblog
With the Design by Fire Conference we aim to create a new
must-have-been-there event.

2007 team
Design by Fire 2007 is organized by the following volunteers:
Arjan Haring
Arjan is interested in the evolutionary origin of things like well being, decision making, persuasion, storytelling, truth, success and morality.
Additional credits
Design by Fire 2007 — under the auspices of Chi Nederland — is an initiative of Arjan Haring.
DxF Conference logo design by Andrei Michael Herasimchuk.