
The official Design by Fire Conference pictures are up on our Flickr page.

More fotostreams on Flickr from: Kars Alfrink, Antje Roestenburg, Nico Druif


Predicting the Past
Joe Fletcher, Microsoft, Microsoft

selected slides by Joe Fletcher (PDF, 0.9 MB)

User centered innovation
Thomas Küber and Julian Masuhr, D-LABS

presentation by Thomas Küber and Julian Masuhr (PDF, 3.5 MB)

article about the creative process at D-LABS (PDF, 50 kB)

Architecture = Interaction
Marthijn Pool, ONL

presentation by Marthijn Pool (PDF, 4.8 MB)

Download this year's program booklet (PDF, 800 kB).


185 people attended the second Design by Fire Conference.


Parmila Khubsing, Project Assistant at the Association of Dutch Designers (BNO), wrote an article on Design by Fire for the monthly magazine Vormberichten: “Design by Fire was weer een inspirerende dag vol oude en nieuwe inzichten”.
‘Broeiplaats’ in Vormberichten 12/08 (PDF, 1.1 MB, in Dutch)

Bart van de Haterd, IJsfontein, highlights some of the presentations.
Bart's post on IJspiraties (in Dutch)


Design by Fire Conference says “hi” to Jinni.

Video of Design by Fire audience by Joe Fletcher.

See also Jinni's response!

WiiJ Timski performing at Design by Fire 2008.

WiiJ Timski at Design by Fire captured on video by Brendan Dawes.

Brandan Dawes' journey to the Design by Fire Conference.

Shot on a Flip video camera, a little montage of his short trip to Utrecht to deliver the keynote at the Design by Fire Conference, 21 October 2008.