
The official Design by Fire 2010 conference and workshop pictures by Matthijs Rouw, Yohan Creemers and Sanne 't Hooft are up on our Flickr page, and don't miss Aldo's set either.
Marc Fonteijn captured the activities during the DesignCamp sessions.
Audio recordings

You can listen to all 2010 conference speaker sessions on our Program page.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to our podcast as well. Point your favorite RSS client or podcatcher to our feed or subscribe directly through iTunes. Enjoy!
Presentation slides

Slides for some of the presentations are available for viewing or download here:
- Bill Buxton — NUI: What's in a Name? (PDF, 2 MB)
- Jacco Ouwerkerk — Augmented Museum Experiences
- Claire Rowland — The Psychology of Creativity
- Andrei Herasimchuk — Turning the Corporate Battleship with Design (PDF, 14 MB)
- Ianus Keller — Creating People for Interfaces
- Sascha Wolter — A Smattering of Prototyping Interactions
- David McCandless — Information is Beautiful
Download this year's program booklet (PDF, 900 kB).

A selection of what some of our participants had to say about the conference and workshops:
- Martin Edling Andersson — Design by Fire 2010
- Kars Alfrink — Week 173
- Inge Kuijper — Natural User Interfaces: out with the old … in with the new! (Dutch)